Next Step Career Network Μονοπρόσωπη IKE

Tourism and Hospitality

Industry:Tourism and Hospitality



Balkan Center


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 What is this?

NEXT STEP career network is Austria's largest recruiting company specialized in hospitality jobs. With more than 400 luxury hotel cllients, we work hard every single day to find the "perfect match" between our hotel partners and our candidates.

With its headquarters in Klagenfurt, Austria, NEXT STEP career network supports applicants from different European countries with selected employment opportunities.

By registering with NEXT STEP career network you get free access to our Europe-wide network in the hotel and hospitality industry and find your dream job in Europe’s leading companies.

What we offer:

Personalized job offers
Guaranteed competitive salary
Benefits which include the coverage of the accommodation and food of each employee by the employer
Personalized help throughout the job search and recruitment process
Prospective cooperation with some of the best hotel companies in the Austrian countryside!
Possibility to work during the summer and winter season

What we ask for:

Commitment, professionalism and honesty
Work experience and relevant education
Creativity and ability to adapt to a fast-paced environment
Willingness for new professional challenges and work abroad

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